Einführung in die grammatische Beschreibung des Deutschen: Dritte, überarbeitete und erweiterte Auflage
2018Typology category
Publication year
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Experimental aspects:
The volume Einführung in die grammatische Beschreibung des Deutschen like many Language Science Press titles, is published in a form that the press calls iterative or fluid publication, defined as ‘the development of a book by the author together with the readership, reusing techniques well-known from software development.’ Sebastian Nordhoff takes us in detail through the press’ publishing process for fluid books. The process centres (open) community and reader feedback as part of an ongoing pre- and post-publication review process which can inform new versions of the book. Nordhoff outlines the stages of this process from draft, to open review, acceptance, community proofreading and publication of the first, and consequent editions in his blog post on Collecting reader feedback with PaperHive, docLoop and GitHub. The blogpost describes how GitHub is used to hosts different versions of the book, and to manage lists of open issues. PaperHive enables readers to leave comments, which can be imported as issues into GitHub via docLoop to inform consequent editions. This allows contributors without GitHub experience to feedback via the accessible PaperHive interface.